Total IndexThe 2100news Digital Assets Total Market Index is a market capitalization-weighted index composed of the top 1100 crypto assets (Coins, Tokens) by market capitalization. The index was created and launched in 2018 to bring transparency, track and measure the performance, and serve as benchmarks for the performance of a selection of cryptocurrencies, also referred to as “coins or tokens,” including Bitcoin and Ethereum. Each member of the Total Index (NWST1100) is also a member of the NWS30, NWSL100, NWSM200, or NWSS300 indexes. The market capitalization of each member is calculated for each asset, then adjusted (DAOQE - orderbook quality evaluation ) to better reflect the publicly available amount (float). There are no limits set on the weight of any individual constituent. Every asset will have a new weighting of the total index at each biweekly rebalance, and the constituent weighting is unchanged until the next rebalance.
Index structure and changes
2100NEWS is very excited to contribute to the evolution of the industry and build the series of indexes that comply with the transparency, regulation and quality standards that the world's top institutions require.
In attached file we explain:
- general principles
- index rationale
- methodology review policies
- coverage
- classifications
- selection criteria
- market capitalization and liquidity screening
- index characteristics
- market capitalization-weighted indices
- selection lists
- index review
- buffers
- liquidity
- weighting factor
- capping factors
- index calculation
- index rebalancing
- disclaimer